Receptionist 303-986-4197
M – F • 8:30am – 5:00pm

Denver therapist Tag

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Or EMDR  Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or EMDR is a therapy technique that is used to treat patients who are troubled by traumatic memories. The technique focuses on the emotions and negative feelings triggered by trauma. EMDR is most commonly used...

Conduct Disorder  Conduct disorder is a term used to describe various emotional and behavioral problems that are commonly observed in adolescents. Teens suffering from conduct disorder are generally anti-social and have a tough time adhering to proper social conduct, rules, and norms. They can be aggressive...

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD or seasonal depression, is a condition that affects millions of people. It is more common during the winter months when the days are shorter, hence its name. The symptoms tend to wane once spring sets in. People who suffer...

Cognitive therapy & schema A schema in psychology is a cognitive thought pattern or behavior that helps organize and decipher different categories of information we receive from our external world. It can be explained as a mental structure of pre-existing ideas and beliefs, a psychological framework...

Signs of Emotional Difficulty in Adolescents Mental health issues can strike anyone, irrespective of their age, nationality, gender and physical location. But emotional or mental problems in adolescents can be especially concerning. Adolescence is not an easy time of life, and as a result it's common for...

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) sufferers normally have both obsessions and compulsions, although some people may experience obsessions alone. The seriousness of symptomotology tends to vary, but it often gets worse over time, especially throughout occasions of stress. Here are some examples of OCD variations: • Excessive Washing (e.g., washing hands...

People with panic attacks have multiple and often unpredictable episodes of intense fear which may be accompanied by sweating, chest discomfort, rapid heart beat, nausea, rapid breathing, dissociation, tingling, numbness, feeling "unreal," and/or other responses associated with a heightened state of the sympathetic nervous system. Panic...