Richard Rybicki Has Limited Availability
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Richard Rybicki, MSW, LCSW has 40 years of professional clinical experience in a variety of settings; he prefers private practice.
“ Hello and thanks for reading this Bio. My job is to assist you in having a nicer Life. I like that a lot and find it to be greatly fulfilling. I take my work seriously, have a good sense of humor and do not waste time in sessions. I am directive in therapy; my focus is to share ideas, tools and techniques you can use to create an easier Life, now.
I think there are two basic causes of most of our unhappiness and therapy can help with both: 1) All of us are taught ideas and attitudes about ourselves and Life that we accept and assume are true. Some of these everyday concepts, however, actually work against us getting what we really want in Life; turns out, they sabotage our love and fun. Using these common ideas, we can ONLY make our Lives more difficult than they need to be. We are unknowingly, but powerfully, influenced by our culture to create unnecessary pain; our unhappiness results. 2) Most of us also do not know about the different parts of our self, especially the parts of us who are hurting. Sadly, many of us did not know how to protect those parts, so we hid them away so we could maintain. We would do well to learn how to rescue, heal and enliven those disowned parts.
Much of my work as a therapist is to educate you, my client, about toxic ideas and behavioral patterns that currently diminish your spirit. We then explore how you can jump tracks to a new set of more loving, more powerful ideas you can use to create more harmony within yourself, get spirit-strong and move more elegantly into your preferred future. My focus then is to teach you how to become your own therapist, using your love and power to heal your hurt parts, decrease your hassle and increase your success and fun. Much of my work is to help you avoid creating future pain. I think therapy, when it is done well, is one of the greatest things ever invented.
The ideas and techniques I share in therapy are proven to work because they are based on empowering, practical ideas you can use to elevate your thinking, lighten your feelings and actually create an easier Life. Our current and future happiness are NOT cheap highs! They deserve respect, care and an investment in learning how to get stronger within ourselves, NOW. All I can say is that I am greatly grateful that I did/still do my healing work and that I let love come to town. Thank you for reading this and I wish you the very, very best. “
To connect with Richard Rybicki, please complete the contact form below.
Online Therapy Sessions
No physical location, CO
Richard Rybicki offers online therapy sessions through scheduled appointments. All Westside providers have access to HIPAA compliant and secure teleconferencing software to protect client privacy. Instructions to access a scheduled session will be sent directly by the provider leading up to the appointment.